Collecting the Internet

Is there something physical you collect?

Im not sure if Its consciously but I have a large collection of shoes and purses.
What digital collections do you have...

I digitally have thousands of photos saved to my hard drive, and past homework assignment or school work. 

How does the digital world affect the way we collect?

The digital world for me affects the way that I collect in that I'm not confronted with the physical clutter that physical objects often bring, so I feel less inclined to be organized.

Set up collecting parameters for your digital collection (do a search or two to see if it's plausible):

What will you? 
I am going to collect images of clothes and purses that I own in real life, them being vintage makes them slightly more challenging to find product shots of them that often have a white background

How many? (example 10… less is more because you will be processing each image you collect!)
2 purses and 2 pairs of shoes 

Where to source ( online - google maps, instagram)?

Why did you choose to collect what you did?
I chose to collect images of shoes and purses because I felt like It would be a variety of images online with varying levels of difficulty to add to photoshoot 
