Project 1 Brainstorming Blog Post: Part One

Christine McConnell
I immediately connected with this artists work because of its aesthetic choices and how it captures the many characteristics of femininity in an sort of kitschy, ironic way. The three versions of the model primping up the central figure interests me the most because it illustrates the many processes that femme presenting people go through to get their desired results.

Who are you and how does your artistic practice reflect that identity?
I am Demi, my practice reflects my identity because most of my work revolves around my experiences and the way I present myself. 
How does your presence on social media reflect that identity?
Similar to my art, my instagram is a reflection of the way I would like to present myself and my twitter is an expression of the issues I hold dearly and interactive dialogues I find valuable.  
How do your friends reflect that identity? 

My friends hold many of the same values as I do and we often reflect ideas and opinions off of one another 
How do your values reflect that identity?

My values are based in treating others how i'd want to be treated, even if that means ignoring an ignorant opinion that is rooted in the oppression of others instead of genuine misinformation 
Is there a difference between your internal and external self?

Not in my opinion. I often say what Im thinking 
How do you present an image that communicates your personality?

I think I dress and style myself in a way that is refined and controlled whimsy, i often take aesthetic risks but i do so in a way that is very detail oriented and planned. and I think that my personality is similar, I often crack jokes and play around but im also extremely introspective and I rarely speak without thought. 

